(September 24, 2013 at 11:14 pm)Vincenzo "Vinny" G. Wrote: I had some time, so I came back to pay a visit to my friends over on this forum. Sup.Wtf?
And I've been thinking about rationality lately. Let me just lay it on you like butter on toast.
Almost all atheism is irrational. Why?
A lot of us point to the supposed intelligence of atheists, but what I've come to realize is that most of us have become atheists at quite a young age. Too young, honestly, to have a full grasp of our logical faculties or the world around us. Age 13 or 14 is simply not when your mind is fully developed. This includes the vast majority of atheist intellectuals who become atheists at a young age and just engage in confirmation bias throughout their academic careers.
Quote:Atheists whine. A lot. If you spend time on internet forums, you notice 98% of their time is spent hating Christians and whining about Christianity. For a "rational", "skeptical" group of people, such lack of rationality is alarmingly hypocritical.Cos when we're not talking about religion we don't feel the need to identify as atheists.
Quote:About matters of the intellect, atheists are very superficially educated. They have a basic foundation down "EVOLUTION RULZ, GOD SUX HAHA I HAVE BIBEL VURSES THAT SUX LOL" but fundamental nuances are often glossed over or missed because their interest is not in knowing things, but in confirming what they want to be true.Wtf?
Quote:"Ah but Vinny Gabagool, atheists know more about the Bible, look at the stats!" You will say, no doubt pointing to some stats. "Nonsense!" I will reply. While most religions are entirely focused on knowing about their own religion, atheists, for the most part are anti-theists. So everything they need to know is anti-religious dogma. Biblical contradictions, the euthyphro dilemma, wise-ass sayings that are actually nonsensical- these are de facto atheist teachings. So of course, they would "know more" their entire existence depends on their hatred against people who believe in a God!Not very bright or observational are you?
Quote:When I started off as a skeptic, I started with a sense of intimidation. I was scared of all the intellectuals. Now that I'm a little older, a little smarter, a little more educated....I feel sorry for them.
No idea why anyone would be scared of intellectuals, you should talk to someone about that. [/quote]