You're a code welder?
Then you'd know that steel doesn't need to be subjected to enough heat to melt in order for it to become weaker in its tensile strength.
You don't know jack shit and I'm not taking your word for it, either. You apparently don't even know your supposed trade. It's been demonstrated by dozens upon dozens of metallurgists and steel workers that jet fuel flames are plenty sufficient to cause significant loss of tensile strength in steel.
Hey, Professor, Derpington University just called, they said your tenure just got extended.
Then you'd know that steel doesn't need to be subjected to enough heat to melt in order for it to become weaker in its tensile strength.
You don't know jack shit and I'm not taking your word for it, either. You apparently don't even know your supposed trade. It's been demonstrated by dozens upon dozens of metallurgists and steel workers that jet fuel flames are plenty sufficient to cause significant loss of tensile strength in steel.
Hey, Professor, Derpington University just called, they said your tenure just got extended.