(October 20, 2013 at 3:25 am)Creed of Heresy Wrote: Something of this scale and with this much complexity would have been exposed quite a while ago. One single whistleblower is all it would take; one guilty conscience.
Well then I have news for you, Creed: There are whistleblowers, and not just one, but numerous.
And the fact that you didn't even know about them shows how effectively the media and the government have censored the 9/11 whistleblowers from coming into spotlight. These whistleblowers oftentimes get put in prison, get fired from their job, threatened by authorities, or they get mocked by everyone by being labelled "nutty," "paranoid," "crazy" etc. ... which are just some of the corrupted ways of silencing them; that is how the government has managed to keep you completely unaware of 9/11 whistleblowers.
But if you just did a quick search in google about 9/11 whistleblowers, then maybe you would have known this. I did that and that's why I know.
Meet The 9/11 Whistleblowers
"On the contrary there have been literally dozens of whistleblowers from within the intelligence agencies, government, and the private business world who have been utterly ignored by the self-proclaimed skeptics and the corporate and foundation-funded media who realize that this is the biggest Achilles heel of the official 9/11 story."
"Many of them, in fact, have appeared at conferences, filed formal appeals, joined whistleblower organizations, and made themselves available for interviews throughout the past 12 years, but they have been scrupulously shunned by the so-called fourth estate whose monetary interests rely on the 9/11 terror paradigm to justify the ever-expanding warfare/surveillance state."
One of the best and most courageous whistleblower on 9/11 is Susan Lindauer, a former CIA asset who was arrested without allowed to stand a court hearing nor being provided any evidence that she is guilty of a crime. She was indicted under a violation of the "Patriot Act" and judges didn't even allow her to serve a trial or hearing because they claimed that she was just "mentally unfit." They didn't even want this lady to speak. And this kind of extreme censorship is truly laughable to me.
Authorities imprisoned her because of "secret evidences" of an alleged crime while repeatedly denying her request to serve a trial, and yet she was subjected to one year in prison in Carswell Air Force Base in Texas and they even threatened her with indefinite detention as well as with forcible drugging ... but again, they did all this without presenting any evidence that she was actually guilty or even mentally unfit. And after five years of indictment without a conviction or guilty plea, the Justice Department finally dismissed all charges against her in 2009 because they couldn't justify any of the accusations made against her, so it turns out that she was right.
Quote:Lindauer is now courageously speaking out about the incredible experiences she claims landed her in prison. She presents powerful evidence that the real reason she was arrested, imprisoned, and declared incompetent was because she knew the U.S. government had clear foreknowledge of the 9/11 attacks and much more.
Here is a speech where she talks about her story and about the 9/11:
She also wrote a book about her story and about the whole 9/11 where she has described many specific dates, events, and intelligence agencies who unavailingly tried to cover up the "official" 9/11 story.
Extreme Prejudice: The Terrifying Story of the Patriot Act and the Cover Ups of 9/11 and Iraq
Another whistleblower on 9/11 is Sibel Edmonds, a former translator for the FBI, whom I learned of yesterday from this post.
Quote:Sibel Edmonds, a former translator for the FBI with top-secret security clearance, said she spent more than three hours in a closed session with the commission's investigators providing information that was circulating within the FBI in the spring and summer of 2001 suggesting that an attack using aircraft was just months away and the terrorists were in place. The Bush administration, meanwhile, has sought to silence her and has obtained a gagging order from a court citing the rarely used "state secrets privelege."
Listen to this (from the 5 minute mark at least):
She has written a book also:
Classified Woman - The Sibel Edmonds Story: A Memoir
And here is a quote from a review of the book that I liked very much because I agree with it, and is a direct answer to your own question also:
Scott Ford Wrote:Somebody would have talked. Somebody would have blown the whistle. It would be impossible to conduct such an elaborate operation without somebody, somewhere in the government coming forth and exposing the criminals ... right?
Well here you have it. In your face. A real-life, 100% credible 9/11 whistleblower. One who has a story whose facts are not even challenged by the government in any real way because it is widely known that those facts can be verified by classified documents in the possession of the government. Instead, those terrified of Sibel Edmonds have waged a war to silence her, using the full power of the Executive Branch to do so, making her the most "classified woman" in American history. This campaign started shortly after 9/11 and is waged to this day as the FBI tries to suppress the publication of this very book, which tells us how important this book must be.
So now, the "someone would have talked" or "someone would have blown the whistle" argument won't work anymore because people did talk, many of them. They just get ignored by the mass and the media as "crazy" or "liars." And hopefully, we might encounter even more 9/11 whistleblowers over the coming years if the President of America allows them to be more free and open.
It just might be a matter of time that the government itself admits that the 9/11 was a false flag terror (although I don't have much confidence in that either).
Afterall, governments from around the world did admit that they carry out false flag terror. 9/11 could be next.
I appreciate that you took the time to write a lengthy and verbose explanation on this subject. But, with all due respect, none of that really convinced me to be honest. You might think that I'm an absolute dumbass for disagreeing with you, but I don't care. Simply put, I don't think that smoke and fire from a jet collision would cause an entire steel building to collapse so quickly into its own footprint; there was very probably explosive materials pre-planted inside the buildings that made them go down the way they did.
And besides the issue of thermite and everything else that you said in your post, the most glaring thing that points to a controlled demolition behind the 9/11 attack is how the WTC 7 collapsed. I mean, look at the way the whole building came down in a symmetrical fashion at an accelerating, free-falling speed (in less than 7 seconds) just like a building collapses under a controlled demolition. Do you seriously think that normal smoke and office fires could have done all that in less than seven seconds? But before you answer that question, please listen to the following as carefully as you can ...