I will offer a counter however, how does one do something if the system does not allow for alternative measures. What good is your vote if you are 1% -5% of the voting population. To the point where your voice is never heard over the partisan loyalists? While I agree 100% that do nothing get nothing is truth. But if the system itself is broken at its core and majority of the population have some kind of Stockholm syndrome to their party, then tell me how to change things? Voting empirically proven NOT to work consistently for it to be a viable option, protests will not work because they either plant people to discredit your cause or just merely have the media do it, or you are arrested. Then there is peaceful resolution, which is met with "conspiracy theorist, communists, insert political ad hominem here. Then there is money, without it you have a flea’s voice compared to millionaires/billionaires. Then there is the lobbyist, which bride our politicians to vote for their interests at the expense of the people.
I am saying this to make this point, the system is broken period, end of story. The computer has a irreparable virus and the only way to really fix it is to reformat. You can remove the virus all day long but it is installed itself in the kernel of the computer and thus the effort to fix it out weights the effort to just rebuild. I have tried to rally people, they do not care. As long as they have their food, TV, and “slav…I mean job”, they will remain passive. With that said, that is exactly what the corrupt politicians will maintain. They give the illusion of freedom, just enough freedom to keep the people passive, and enough tyranny to keep them in line. I know this rant might make little sense, but I honestly believe there is little we can do. All the power is in the hands of the wrong people, and they are armed with history to correct the mistakes of past tyrants. This issues is not a simple one at all, it is not just a few things and the solution is not something that can be voted in, or caused by a revolution. It is a total paradigm that needs to be changed and honestly humans are not that far evolved to accept different paradigm that has been seared into our memories for 1000s of years. The sooner we can accept we are intelligent beings and we DO not have to assign arbitrary classes or create/maintain monetary feudalism that alone will be a step in the right direction. However, my hopes are low at least in my life time that any real humanists ideals will be adopted. I mean we still believe in ancient books for Christ’s sakes.
I am saying this to make this point, the system is broken period, end of story. The computer has a irreparable virus and the only way to really fix it is to reformat. You can remove the virus all day long but it is installed itself in the kernel of the computer and thus the effort to fix it out weights the effort to just rebuild. I have tried to rally people, they do not care. As long as they have their food, TV, and “slav…I mean job”, they will remain passive. With that said, that is exactly what the corrupt politicians will maintain. They give the illusion of freedom, just enough freedom to keep the people passive, and enough tyranny to keep them in line. I know this rant might make little sense, but I honestly believe there is little we can do. All the power is in the hands of the wrong people, and they are armed with history to correct the mistakes of past tyrants. This issues is not a simple one at all, it is not just a few things and the solution is not something that can be voted in, or caused by a revolution. It is a total paradigm that needs to be changed and honestly humans are not that far evolved to accept different paradigm that has been seared into our memories for 1000s of years. The sooner we can accept we are intelligent beings and we DO not have to assign arbitrary classes or create/maintain monetary feudalism that alone will be a step in the right direction. However, my hopes are low at least in my life time that any real humanists ideals will be adopted. I mean we still believe in ancient books for Christ’s sakes.
![[Image: grumpy-cat-and-jesus-meme-died-for-sins.jpg]](https://images.weserv.nl/?url=1.bp.blogspot.com%2F-_GaCN-f8ZFo%2FUNfmimTyf4I%2FAAAAAAAANmk%2FoakT_wL319U%2Fs1600%2Fgrumpy-cat-and-jesus-meme-died-for-sins.jpg)
I would be a televangelist....but I have too much of a soul.