It is you that is delusional. The churches have huge strings attached to their aid and they often make the situation much worse, for example the anti-condom push in Africa and Haiti. Sure, they will send first aid and blankets, but their bread and butter is extracted from the poor. The rich are quickly too well educated for their nonsense.
The reason for the disaster is that the Philippine people are too poor to have built well engineered structures that could withstand storms of this nature. Their churches drain monies that could be spent to provide "high wind" safe structures.Their government opposes strict building codes because the religious conservatives push for "limited" government. The churches never ever try to fix the causes for these disasters to prevent them, no, because fear of death is their biggest sales tool.
It is you that is delusional. The churches have huge strings attached to their aid and they often make the situation much worse, for example the anti-condom push in Africa and Haiti. Sure, they will send first aid and blankets, but their bread and butter is extracted from the poor. The rich are quickly too well educated for their nonsense.
The reason for the disaster is that the Philippine people are too poor to have built well engineered structures that could withstand storms of this nature. Their churches drain monies that could be spent to provide "high wind" safe structures.Their government opposes strict building codes because the religious conservatives push for "limited" government. The churches never ever try to fix the causes for these disasters to prevent them, no, because fear of death is their biggest sales tool.
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