(November 26, 2013 at 12:28 pm)Minimalist Wrote: The OP is essentially correct, however.
The Upper 1% does not want to be bothered with such losers.
You treat enough people like "losers" like billionaire Gaddafi did, and that certainly worked out well for him didn't it?
The worst part is when you point this out you are not saying you want it to get to that point, but starve enough people to death and they will react, it is evolutionary.
Sharing to some degree works better than hording. You have to accept a diverse income as an aspect of a society, and a gap has to exist as a motivator, but just like anything in life, to much will upset the ecosystem.
Japan had a huge disaster in their Tsunami, but there was no looting or riots.
I get really tired pointing out that I am poor as if I am asking for some class loyalty in saying you cant move up because I didn't.
You are always going to have in an open market a ratio of incomes including those who never move up. But the poor in America are NOT lazy and I really fucking hate that meme. I know that my co workers bust their asses and all they want is simply not to drowned in bills. And most DO NOT want to be on food stamps.. And the sad thing is big companies say they want the same thing but have the power to get people off of food stamps. And food stamps we pay for as tax payers. So it isn't that we are subsidizing the poor, in reality we are subsidizing the rich because that money that pays for the food stamps ends up in the bank accounts of these big companies.