Quote:Given the greeks were ok with gay sex it does seem logical to conclude that Abrahamic religions are more anti-gay than the Greeks and hence it is due to the religious customs of said Abrahamic religions.
Actually, dismissing the god shit out of all these writings ( easy for me since there is no evidence for any god but the writings exist ) one can see certain elements of propaganda in them.
In The Bible Unearthed, Israel Finkelstein makes the point that the whole "Lot-getting-fucked-by-his-daughters-and-giving-birth-to-the-founders-of-Edom-and-Moab" could be seen as merely a slur on those two states who were then competitors within the Assyrian economic sphere. Kind of like the ancient equivalent of "ethnic humor" today.
Similarly, one wonders how prevalent homosexuality was among ancient goat herders but we know it was prevalent among the Greeks. Perhaps what we are seeing here is merely a bit of Judaean propaganda against their Greek overlords?