To please your parents, declare to them La Ilaha Ilallah, Muhammed Wa' Rasoul Allah! There is no God but Allah and prophet Muhammed is the last and final messenger of Allah. Start your essay with:
Bisminlah Rahman Rahim,
Bla bla bla, there is no God but Allah, bla bla bla, Muhammed(pbuh) is the last and final messenger, and there were other messengers, Moses, Jesus, Jeremiah, all prophets of Allah, for Allah does not BEGET. Yamullet wallam yulat! He begets not nor is he begotten! There is nothing like him!
Then you submit essay LOL
Bisminlah Rahman Rahim,
Bla bla bla, there is no God but Allah, bla bla bla, Muhammed(pbuh) is the last and final messenger, and there were other messengers, Moses, Jesus, Jeremiah, all prophets of Allah, for Allah does not BEGET. Yamullet wallam yulat! He begets not nor is he begotten! There is nothing like him!
Then you submit essay LOL