I've done quite a lot of research about the various languages, including Delphi and am warmed by the fact that many applications and programmes from shareware all the way to professional out of the box products are still written in Delphi.
Most Delphi programmers are very loyal to it and see no reason to change as it can do everything they want it too and as I know it back to front and upside down I think I'll stick with it. Not to mention the huge support for components and the like from places like torry.net and the huge amount of code that I've already built up.
Basically Delphi is to me as Linux is to you..
Delphi FTW
Most Delphi programmers are very loyal to it and see no reason to change as it can do everything they want it too and as I know it back to front and upside down I think I'll stick with it. Not to mention the huge support for components and the like from places like torry.net and the huge amount of code that I've already built up.
Basically Delphi is to me as Linux is to you..
Delphi FTW