The racialist agenda is also being used to force cultural Jihad upon the West.
Blacks are equal in every way to whites, both biologically & also nowadays under the law. Here in Nova Scotia a couple years ago there was a hate crime against a mixed-race couple. The media make a huge deal over it. And you know what? They were right to make such a big deal over it because hate crimes are truly horrific. But don't go telling me that our society is racist, because it is not. We care about the equality of racial minorities. But sometimes we take it too far, & see racism where there is none.
Blacks are equal in every way to whites, both biologically & also nowadays under the law. Here in Nova Scotia a couple years ago there was a hate crime against a mixed-race couple. The media make a huge deal over it. And you know what? They were right to make such a big deal over it because hate crimes are truly horrific. But don't go telling me that our society is racist, because it is not. We care about the equality of racial minorities. But sometimes we take it too far, & see racism where there is none.