With respect to testimony it is a bit hypocritical. We all believe testimony. Textbooks by nature are testimony. A scientist observes something you believe him. Matthew observes something and you cry liar. Most people have never gone to a lab or looked through telescopes or out to dig sites. Yet you believe the testimony of science. If your honest and consistent about your disregard for the integrity of the author(s) of the Bible you must apply consistent criticism to the authors of text books. Look back a couple hundred years to the science of that time. How much of that is true today? Does the sun orbit the earth? Is the earth flat? Is the smallest component of matter an atom? If you extend out the logic in a couple of hundred years what science believes today will not be true in a couple hundred years. So why use it as your ultimate authority. It is constantly changing through new technologies and discoveries. If people are not to be trusted then people are not to be trusted. You do not seek evidence because there is evidence. There are Ph D scientists who through scientific evidence claim creation and thus a creator. Just like there are Ph D scientists who through scientific evidence claim evolution. So there is evidence for and evidence against. Albert Einstein believed in a creator and thus creation. He didn't believe in the God revealed through the Bible but he still believed in creation. So to just blanket statement creationists as unintelligent is either ignorant or a lie. Scientifically minded atheists are looking for answers revealed by science. God chose not to reveal himself through science (not ultimately) but rather through His Word. His word is rejected because it testifies against mankind. It says we are rebellious and sinful and wickedly minded wanting our own way rather than His. "And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil." You don't reject the Bible for a lack of evidence you reject it because you love the darkness.
If it could be proven beyond doubt that God exists...
and that He is the one spoken of in the Bible...
would you repent of your sins and place your faith in Jesus Christ?