There is a difference between equality and justice. We seek justice because nature (or God) made us unequal. A handicapped person needs more care than a healthy one. A strong person can harm a weak person so you should give more protection to the weak. A talented person is more fruitful than a mediocre one so you should give more chances and opportunities to the talented and facilitate the way for him.
Even mathematically and physically if you have two cups one of 0.25 liter capacity and the other is 0.5 liter and you want to "fairly" fill them you will give the second cup twice what you will give the first. People are like cups, they are humanly equal but unequal in their needs and abilities.
Even mathematically and physically if you have two cups one of 0.25 liter capacity and the other is 0.5 liter and you want to "fairly" fill them you will give the second cup twice what you will give the first. People are like cups, they are humanly equal but unequal in their needs and abilities.
* Illusion is a big world ... and the world is a bigger illusion.
* Try to live happy ... try to make others live happy.
* Try to live happy ... try to make others live happy.