Brakeman Wrote:Did she:
1. Take you to church regularly to expose you to social pressure to conform with their beliefs.
Yes and no. She took me to church. I was not punished for expressing different opinions from the pastor, though. So, there was no pressure to conform.
Quote:2. Expose you to rather constant imagery of the religion. Crosses, Bibles, Pictures of Jesus
No. The only thing religious in my house were our Bibles.
Quote:3. Tell you uncritical stories of god.
No. I read the stories for myself in the Bible.
Quote:4. Buy religious children's books for you throughout your childhood, and read them to you.
Quote:5. Refer to christians as being a "Good" group and use the term "good christian"
No. My mother is a social worker, she believes in the good in everyone.
Quote:6. Pray around you often, perhaps even prodding you to "Pray".
No, not often. Only in church and at, like, Thanksgiving dinner.
Quote:7. When attending funerals, or mentioning death, consistently say that they are in a better place, and/or with Jesus in heaven.
Yes, although that is par for the course.I have yet to meet a theist who doesn't believe in an afterlife.
Quote:I could go on, but if your mom didn't do most of these I'll eat my proverbial hat. These are classical elements of brainwashing, just as it is performed for the North Koreans.
I hope your hat is delicious.
Are we done with this now?