In portuguese, red is "vermelho" or "encarnado", purple is "roxo" (but can also be "púrpura")
In spanish, red is "rojo", puple is "púrpura".
In italian, red is "rosso", purple is "porpora".
In romanian, red is "roșu", purple is "purpuriu".
In french red is "rouge", purple is "pourpre".
Do you see where this is going?
Those damned portuguese mess up the whole thing.... or they're so far away from the center, that they kept the original word for purple and came up with a different one (or kept the pre-latin) for the well known red.
Let's check the etimology department...
It seems the portuguese "roxo" comes from the latin "russeus" which means dark red.
According to other places on the web, russeus means "reddish", or "having red as its color"...
But the original would have been written in greek, right?
According to google translator, russeus (latin) is "κόκκινος", in greek.... And that just means red.
Curiously, google translator also translates russeus to "vermelho" (portuguese), rojo (spanish), rosso (italian), roșu (romanian) and rouge (french).
So there you go... make of it what you will.
In spanish, red is "rojo", puple is "púrpura".
In italian, red is "rosso", purple is "porpora".
In romanian, red is "roșu", purple is "purpuriu".
In french red is "rouge", purple is "pourpre".
Do you see where this is going?
Those damned portuguese mess up the whole thing.... or they're so far away from the center, that they kept the original word for purple and came up with a different one (or kept the pre-latin) for the well known red.
Let's check the etimology department...
It seems the portuguese "roxo" comes from the latin "russeus" which means dark red.
According to other places on the web, russeus means "reddish", or "having red as its color"...
But the original would have been written in greek, right?
According to google translator, russeus (latin) is "κόκκινος", in greek.... And that just means red.
Curiously, google translator also translates russeus to "vermelho" (portuguese), rojo (spanish), rosso (italian), roșu (romanian) and rouge (french).
So there you go... make of it what you will.