Although I am not absolutely certain what will happen to me after I die, all evidence points to me no longer existing.
As I did not exist for 14.7 billion years leading up to my birth, after I die will most likely be like that.
The idea that there is something of me that will be conscious after I die seems quite ridiculous.
There are people the get brain injuries and have their personalities almost completely reset so as to seem like a completely different person. And this happens with damage to just part of the brain. How is something that is supposed to be me, lift off a brain that is completely, ultimately damaged and survive without a brain at all?
As I did not exist for 14.7 billion years leading up to my birth, after I die will most likely be like that.
The idea that there is something of me that will be conscious after I die seems quite ridiculous.
There are people the get brain injuries and have their personalities almost completely reset so as to seem like a completely different person. And this happens with damage to just part of the brain. How is something that is supposed to be me, lift off a brain that is completely, ultimately damaged and survive without a brain at all?
You'd believe if you just opened your heart" is a terrible argument for religion. It's basically saying, "If you bias yourself enough, you can convince yourself that this is true." If religion were true, people wouldn't need faith to believe it -- it would be supported by good evidence.