Quote:Atheists life motiveMy life's motive is to live.
My kids are being indoctrinated by my catholic wife, while I teach them about science and every once in a while lecture them on critical thinking.
At this stage, they don't believe anything, just whatever people tell them.
If I tell them there's no god, they'll just parrot it to me. If my wife is there, they'll have some trouble making sense... and she'll just want to change subject.
I feel the best way, if your spouse is wanting to indoctrinate them, is to let it happen, while you teach them to think for themselves.... and then let the magic of reason do its wonder. It's better to believe with some reason behind it, than an empty slate that was never introduced to religion in the first place. Empty slates who get in trouble, later in life, are suckers for the religious crap nonsense and just eat it up... these end up being the fiercest mindless religious people... like our very own drich or rev777.