Rabbi Wolpe who recently debated Christopher Hitchens has said that this issue of brain damage and the like, is what made him doubt his faith more than anything ever has (this was when he was asked what, if anything, has ever made him doubt his faith).
I think I remember him saying that his mother had brain damage or something.
I've always thought of it to be a pretty good argument against the so-called 'spirit' or 'soul'. I wonder how theists riddle their way out of that one (as they inevitably will do in their annoyingly illogical ways of unreason).
EDIT : - just noticed - Oops, 'True Christian' has already done it.
Well yes, the brain COULD be the link between the spirit and the body. It could be that in the sense that you can't disprove it, in the sense that the Flying Spaghetti Monster COULD exist.
I see no fucking reason to believe it though. It 'could', so what? Probable? Methinks, not.
I think I remember him saying that his mother had brain damage or something.
I've always thought of it to be a pretty good argument against the so-called 'spirit' or 'soul'. I wonder how theists riddle their way out of that one (as they inevitably will do in their annoyingly illogical ways of unreason).
EDIT : - just noticed - Oops, 'True Christian' has already done it.
Well yes, the brain COULD be the link between the spirit and the body. It could be that in the sense that you can't disprove it, in the sense that the Flying Spaghetti Monster COULD exist.
I see no fucking reason to believe it though. It 'could', so what? Probable? Methinks, not.