(May 22, 2014 at 8:49 pm)Sludgeman101 Wrote: I am still fairly young, and i have recently just become an atheist. The problem is, i haven't told my parents. I grew up in a fairly religous household, the inside of which contains many crosses. They haven't yet given me any indication that they would act negatively torwards the information, but taking into account the negative views they have taken to other important choices of mine, my girlfriend, my first car, which classes i'm going to take... Just to name a few. So i am a little afraid that they would react negatively. As a side note, i'm going to assume most of you are aware of fox news's "war on christmas", my family watches that every year, and sometimes they do make comments about atheism. So, any advice you could give me would be greatly appreciated.
If you are an only child reassure them that you will respect their wishes and give them religious burials.
If they get pissed and disown you then it just shows that they are rotten Christians who lack a speck of real love and forgiveness. Who knows, you might become religious later on in life.