(June 16, 2014 at 11:54 pm)orangebox21 Wrote: ................ if the generation spoken of in Matthew 24:34/Mark 13:30/Luke 21:32 does not refer to Jesus' generation, and is a separate event from Matthew 16:28/Luke 9:27, then your conclusion is bunk.
So, why do you think that the generation of whom Jesus was speaking to is the one He was speaking of? And why does the 'some here who will not taste death' refer to the 'generation who will not pass until all these things are fulfilled'?
Well simply because the rest of us have a solid grasp on the English language and what the words that are written mean.
What you're saying is like Jesus holding up a speckled green fish and talking about the fish and describing it's color as speckled green and then when he's not around trying to tell everyone that he wasn't talking about the fish he was holding. I mean you can't really think that anyone with an ounce of intelligence is going to swallow this bit of horse shit you're attempting to sell can you???