I've always preferred to suppose that everything is natural, even those parts for which we have no adequate explanation. My naive assumption was always that the "natural world" was not a reference to that which we could explain but to the universe as a whole. Whatever the universe is doing is natural for it. So there is no need for a such a category as "supernatural"
But since we're on a thread dedicated to discussing the supernatural, I have another suggestion. Perhaps everything is supernatural but we fool ourselves into thinking some phenomenon have 'natural' causes. So maybe all cause-and-effect are epiphenomenal. At any moment these long strings of coincidence may finally come to an end, revealing the brute fact of our underlying chaotic condition. Could be .. at least if you're a whack job.
But since we're on a thread dedicated to discussing the supernatural, I have another suggestion. Perhaps everything is supernatural but we fool ourselves into thinking some phenomenon have 'natural' causes. So maybe all cause-and-effect are epiphenomenal. At any moment these long strings of coincidence may finally come to an end, revealing the brute fact of our underlying chaotic condition. Could be .. at least if you're a whack job.