Ah, this explains why Woodie's video ended abruptly.
Apparently the commish told these self-righteous republicunts to go fuck themselves.
They'd hate to see that on the news.
Glad to see this guy refuse to kiss their nazi asses.
Apparently the commish told these self-righteous republicunts to go fuck themselves.
They'd hate to see that on the news.
Quote: WASHINGTON (AP) — Defiant before skeptical Republicans, the head of the IRS refused to apologize Friday for lost emails that might shed light on the tax agency's targeting of tea party and other groups before the 2010 and 2012 elections.
Instead, Commissioner John Koskinen accused the chairman of a powerful House committee of misleading the public by making false statements based on incomplete information.
The contentious back-and-forth didn't end there. Later in the hearing, Rep. Paul Ryan, the Republicans' vice presidential candidate two years ago, told Koskinen bluntly that "nobody believes you."
"I have a long career. That's the first time anybody has said they do not believe me," said Koskinen, who came out of retirement in December to take over the IRS. Previously, he served in other positions under Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush.
The hearing showed that emotions are running hotter than ever in the dispute over the IRS and political fundraising.
Rep. Dave Camp of Michigan, chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, asked Koskinen to testify a week after the IRS disclosed that it had lost an untold number of emails to and from Lois Lerner. Lerner headed the division that processes applications for tax-exempt status during a time when, the IRS has acknowledged, agents improperly scrutinized applications from tea party and other conservative groups.
Camp was clearly expecting Koskinen to be more contrite.
"What I didn't hear in that was an apology to this committee," Camp said after Koskinen's opening statement.
"I don't think an apology is owed," replied Koskinen.
Glad to see this guy refuse to kiss their nazi asses.