Mint Icecream.
Funny story behind it. I don't like it because of the way it tastes.
I like it because of the meaning behind it.
When my father adopted me, he would always eat Mint Ice Cream it was HIS favorite, and I didn't have a father before that so I wanted to be just like him so I ate it too.
I like the ice cream because it was something I could say I had in common with my father.
Nothing to do with taste, taste can be acquired or destroyed. But a connection like that, lasts until you fade away.
Mint ice cream reminds me of my father and I, before he got sick, back when things were okay.
Back before he broke his back, lost his job (broke his back), and we went poor.
every time we ate it, we were laughing
Mint Ice Cream = Happy memories with dad
Funny story behind it. I don't like it because of the way it tastes.
I like it because of the meaning behind it.
When my father adopted me, he would always eat Mint Ice Cream it was HIS favorite, and I didn't have a father before that so I wanted to be just like him so I ate it too.
I like the ice cream because it was something I could say I had in common with my father.
Nothing to do with taste, taste can be acquired or destroyed. But a connection like that, lasts until you fade away.
Mint ice cream reminds me of my father and I, before he got sick, back when things were okay.
Back before he broke his back, lost his job (broke his back), and we went poor.
every time we ate it, we were laughing
Mint Ice Cream = Happy memories with dad