1. How Did You Become an Atheist?
By taking in count what is important, real, knowable and solid in order to define the world around me.
2. What happens when we die?
We cease to exists. I am sick and tired of people asking that question you are jus an insignificant mammal in the Universe why is so hard for you to understand the concept of dying. You are only a human being.
3. What if you’re wrong? And there is a Heaven? And there is a HELL!
I haven't murdered, stole, raped nor told a great lie why should I worry?
4. Without God, where do you get your morality from?
By my own conscience.
5. If there is no God, can we do what we want? Are we free to murder and rape? While good deeds are unrewarded?
Okay first why would I do that? What? You think that people can't do good just because they want to? What the hell is wrong with you? Second we have this thing called, laws along with other moral peers that certainly will stop you.
6. If there is no god, how does your life have any meaning?
If there is no eternal heaven nor hell and the only thing left is eternal death that means that I have nothing to die for but everything to live for.
7. Where did the universe come from?
I don't know.
8. What about miracles? What all the people who claim to have a connection with Jesus? What about those who claim to have seen saints or angels?
See 5 Reasons why Your Miracles aren't Really Miraculous
9. What’s your view of Dawkins, Hitchens and Harris?
That they are famous atheists with awarded or recognized achievements.
10. If there is no God, then why does every society have a religion?
Because people are idiots. And I can prove it.
If people aren't idiots, then why does every society has internal problems.
Every time a creationists make those questions blogs, Facebook pages, Youtube channels and article pages in a matter of seconds fill with answers from a bunch of atheists. Yet by next Thursday theres another idiot that's gonna be bragging around saying that atheist can't answer those questions. Is not that we can't answer those question is that they can't accept the answers that we give them.
By taking in count what is important, real, knowable and solid in order to define the world around me.
2. What happens when we die?
We cease to exists. I am sick and tired of people asking that question you are jus an insignificant mammal in the Universe why is so hard for you to understand the concept of dying. You are only a human being.
3. What if you’re wrong? And there is a Heaven? And there is a HELL!
I haven't murdered, stole, raped nor told a great lie why should I worry?
4. Without God, where do you get your morality from?
By my own conscience.
5. If there is no God, can we do what we want? Are we free to murder and rape? While good deeds are unrewarded?
Okay first why would I do that? What? You think that people can't do good just because they want to? What the hell is wrong with you? Second we have this thing called, laws along with other moral peers that certainly will stop you.
6. If there is no god, how does your life have any meaning?
If there is no eternal heaven nor hell and the only thing left is eternal death that means that I have nothing to die for but everything to live for.
7. Where did the universe come from?
I don't know.
8. What about miracles? What all the people who claim to have a connection with Jesus? What about those who claim to have seen saints or angels?
See 5 Reasons why Your Miracles aren't Really Miraculous
9. What’s your view of Dawkins, Hitchens and Harris?
That they are famous atheists with awarded or recognized achievements.
10. If there is no God, then why does every society have a religion?
Because people are idiots. And I can prove it.
If people aren't idiots, then why does every society has internal problems.
Every time a creationists make those questions blogs, Facebook pages, Youtube channels and article pages in a matter of seconds fill with answers from a bunch of atheists. Yet by next Thursday theres another idiot that's gonna be bragging around saying that atheist can't answer those questions. Is not that we can't answer those question is that they can't accept the answers that we give them.