I have remembered my dreams in the past quite a bit, and have woken up rather refreshedf when that happened. My dreams tend to mimic possible reality fairly closely, but a few details may be just a bit off. I don't remember anything offhand. But an example could be:
I drive down the 805 freeway in a white Toyota Celica, eating a burrito. Joe Jackson was playing on the CD player. A ladder truck from the fire department passes me, and the driver is making siren noises over the microphone. He appears to have laryngitis. I proceed to put the pedal to the metal and take the next exit off the freeway at top speed, shouting the words to "Inagaddadavita".
I drive down the 805 freeway in a white Toyota Celica, eating a burrito. Joe Jackson was playing on the CD player. A ladder truck from the fire department passes me, and the driver is making siren noises over the microphone. He appears to have laryngitis. I proceed to put the pedal to the metal and take the next exit off the freeway at top speed, shouting the words to "Inagaddadavita".
"For me, it is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring." - Carl Sagan