Slouching on the couch with the laptop balanced on a pillow on my lap:
Result Screenshot
Words per minute (WPM) 45
Keystrokes 250
(227 | 23)
Correct words 44
Wrong words 4
You are better than 68.52% of all users (position 28613 of 90884 - last 24 hours)
It was weird to type random words as they appear rather than a train of thought. When the line would shift up I kept copying the first word in the next line by mistake. Doh!
Result Screenshot
Words per minute (WPM) 45
Keystrokes 250
(227 | 23)
Correct words 44
Wrong words 4
You are better than 68.52% of all users (position 28613 of 90884 - last 24 hours)
It was weird to type random words as they appear rather than a train of thought. When the line would shift up I kept copying the first word in the next line by mistake. Doh!