A lot of my family spoke in tongues when I was young. Singing in tongues too.
I couldn't do it so the pastor made a special time for me and my cousin to come and learn.
My cousin was a quick learner, not me.
It turned out that I just didn't have enough faith.
The pastor said that it was ok because god had a special purpose for me.
He said this during a service which was recorded and then tried to sell me a tape of it afterwards. $16.
I said I couldn't afford it but really I just didn't want to.
Well, my cousin bought it secretly and gave it to me for my birthday along with a shirt that said,'radically saved', on it.
All I really wanted to do was muck around with the girls in youth group.
I was more deluded then them, thinking I could get some of that sweet action. :-)
I couldn't do it so the pastor made a special time for me and my cousin to come and learn.
My cousin was a quick learner, not me.
It turned out that I just didn't have enough faith.
The pastor said that it was ok because god had a special purpose for me.
He said this during a service which was recorded and then tried to sell me a tape of it afterwards. $16.
I said I couldn't afford it but really I just didn't want to.
Well, my cousin bought it secretly and gave it to me for my birthday along with a shirt that said,'radically saved', on it.
All I really wanted to do was muck around with the girls in youth group.
I was more deluded then them, thinking I could get some of that sweet action. :-)