After 1820, Joseph Smith was supposedly tasked, by God, to restore the actual 'One True Faith' Jesus Christ established on earth.
the 1820s are less than 200 years ago, we have, thanks to the Mormons themselves, copious records and testimonials of virtually the entire Mormon movement, despite sometimes vigorous efforts of the LDS church itself, to rewrite it's own history, practices, scriptures, tracts, creeds, dogma, rites, revelations, pronouncements, tomes, edicts, and doctrines.
Joseph Smith himself noted the Book of Mormon to be the most perfect book ever written, and then in less than 2 centuries, the church hierarchy has changed it over 3000 times!
What's with all the rewrites ?? Joe didn't get it right the first time ?? What else are we to conclude upon that first change to professed sacred writings ?? If Joe didn't get everything right the first time, did he get anything right at all ??
The Mormon God is a total doofus. We have proof.
the 1820s are less than 200 years ago, we have, thanks to the Mormons themselves, copious records and testimonials of virtually the entire Mormon movement, despite sometimes vigorous efforts of the LDS church itself, to rewrite it's own history, practices, scriptures, tracts, creeds, dogma, rites, revelations, pronouncements, tomes, edicts, and doctrines.
Joseph Smith himself noted the Book of Mormon to be the most perfect book ever written, and then in less than 2 centuries, the church hierarchy has changed it over 3000 times!
What's with all the rewrites ?? Joe didn't get it right the first time ?? What else are we to conclude upon that first change to professed sacred writings ?? If Joe didn't get everything right the first time, did he get anything right at all ??
The Mormon God is a total doofus. We have proof.