(December 17, 2014 at 12:32 am)Ryantology (╯°◊°)╯︵ ══╬ Wrote: Keep dodging.[/quote]
Quote:keep reading
Keep dodging.
Quote:keep reading
Keep dodging.
I did not dodge anything. My comment to "keep reading" was to re assemble the larger point I was making in that Christ, like a parent who would do anything for their Child (as you would per your comments) would also do anything to save his followers. The larger point being that not everyone belongs to Him. (We are not all his Children) while He would/did do what ever it took for His followers/children it was not extended to those who do not wish to serve God.
I Wrote:God only created one man, from him produced one woman, everyone else is a reproduction of what God orginally created. In order to be considered to be apart of the "family" of God, one must elect to be apart of it as per the gospel.
That said I don't have a say in whether or not you are or aren't apart of God's family. That is between you and God.
Quote:I keep asking "why does it have to be this way" and your responses are always just telling me how it is. Like I don't already know.Why does it have to be this way? The general answer is usally associated with the pride of man, but your specific answer lies with in your own heart. In that, Why can't you simply humble yourself and approach God on His terms?
Why does God allow the pride of man to keep Him from an eternity with God? Because pride will not allow a man to serve. Even if in service to God a man can obtain a level of dignity and stature that he could never obtain on his own, at the core one is still a servant/slave. And if there is one thing western soceity abhors more than anything else it is stereotypical picture of service/slavery based on how men rule one another.
So because pride will not allow a man to serve, the man in question will not be forced to serve, even if service to God would/could literally mean 'heaven' to that man.
What is the alternative to slavery/service to God? Eternal separation.
Why? Because being in any part of creation means being in the presents of God, which means service to God in some form or fashion.
Quote:as per John 3:16 the oppertuity for salvation has been provided for anyone who will accept it.
Quote:Fucking dodging the question yet again.Again did not dodge anything was illustrating that Jesus/God has done 'whatever it took' by offering salvation to everyone per John 3:16. However offering does not mean everyone will accept the offer.
Quote:Actually it is.
Your answer to my question "why would God care about those who do not belong to Him?"
You answered with the second of the two greatest commands.
'Love your neighbor, or turn the other cheek.'
My response was you can't hold to the second of the greatest commands and ignore the first. (Love your Lord God with all your being.)
(Your answer does not apply if you do not abide by the greatest command.)
Quote:I am asking you about God's behavior, and you refuse to answer that question. Dodge, dodge, dodge.Again not a dodge. God gave two great commandments you cited the second as the only one having meaning. God tells us they comes s a package deal. Do one then The other. One can not seperate the two.
Meaning you can't say love your neighbor and hate God. Nor can one say love God hate your neighbor. Christ said you have to do both, or you do neither.
Again because you said God must abide in one command and ignore the other is counter to the nature in which Christ issued the two commands.
Not to mention I directly answered your question by saying you are expecting God to treat His enemies as family. Did you dodge this answer,. Why are you treating this answer as being seperate from the one above, or did you simply over look the fact that no where in the scripture has this been commanded? Or are you also turning a blind eye to the fact that Christ does indeed offer forgiveness to his 'enemies' all they need do is accept what has been offered? Your question was answered directly. If however you have another question or don't nderstand just ask, don't pretend you have been ignored.
Quote:I don't believe, so desire has nothing to do with it. I am telling you my expectations, given that God is alleged to be the ultimate good.But again how can God be good if He allows those who hate Him and His servants into Heaven?
Would you consider God to be Good if He allowed Demons back into Heaven?
Given enough time (like say eternity for instance) resentment and forced service produces demons.
Quote:Yet another dodge. You're not answering my questions.Again ONLY if He changed their will. God is not in the business of doing that.
What could God do? Let ISIS members stay with my family and ensure that no harm would come to them as a result.
Quote:No, we clearly do not share core values or feelings.so you would force your wife and kids to take in a dozen hardcore ISIS terrorists?
Then let me ask you what good did it do you to say you would save your kid no matter how bad and undeserving he was if your going to invite the foxes into the hen house?
Quote:That is the whole point of all those questions you dodged at the beginning of my post.again did not dodge anything. You are so focused in scrounging up a rebuttal your not looking at the bigger picture.
The questions I asked drew a parallel between the undeserving believer (the bratty kid who ran back into traffic, the teen who ran off/prodigal son) to those who believe. Why? Because none of us deserve all the trouble Christ went through, and yet He/Christ did (died on the cross to forgive our sins once and for all)/when back into traffic, took the prodigal back in.. Just as you claimed you would. (See I told you our core values were the same as God's)
The problem you are having is with the idea that you/all of humanity belongs to the group God offers attonement to.
Again Christ seperated us into two groups. Those who will find attonement on judgement day and those who do not. Those who do will find their Father to be God, and those who do not will know they belong to Satan.
So again, why would God allow demons back into Heaven, with those who were saved? Why would a loving father force his family to take in 12 angry ISIS terrorists, if He has done so much to save from drugs and traffic?
Quote:Would you ever accept an EMS responder to refuse to save a person's life just because they were acting stubborn and recalcitrant? God is in no way put out or endangered in the act of saving souls, so please don't waste my time with comparisons like that.equivocation fallacy. For an ems responder to 'save' is not akin to God 'saving' a soul.
Quote:That isn't true at all. I don't get resurrected after three days.Red herring does not address the point being made.
Quote:If I had the power to make sure those terrorists were no threat to my family, then I have nothing to be afraid of and no reason to say no to them.think about this for a moment. If you had the power to change the will of man, why would you stop at ISIS agendas? Why wouldn't you make a stubborn kid eat his veggies, or clean his room or a wife to be a little less Nagy? A mother in law a little/a lot less mother in lawie? When you mess with the will of people then they lose the individuality God seems to prize from the garden forward.
You may not see this as a problem, but appearently God does. With that comes the really good and the very bad. His solution let people be who they want to be select those who want to be with Him and seperate them from everyone else.
Quote:Whatever, though. I'm really disappointed. This is the one time I've really tried to ask you serious questions about your god, and the few times you've even bothered answering any of them, your answers are evasive and always involve shifting the burden of responsibility onto the being who is less intelligent and capable. Why should God do it if I can't or won't? [i]Because he's God, and I'm not.again big picture. I asked questions to personalize and draw parallels between your core values and that of God to show you that even if you are at odds with Him there is still a piece of Him with you. Now here is where I get to be disappointed. I have taken a great deal of time thinking out and pulling together a great number of points and perspectives with you here today. It's 2am and I have been writting since 12:30, going over and over and re explaining points you should have got the first time around if you weren't so busy just reading enough to build a counter arguement. Go back and reread what I have written. All the points are there. I have taken the time to answer everything. That may not mean you can see or understand it, but it is all there. I challenge you to stop posturing, stop looking for points for your next argument. If I give an answer you do not understand ask for a break down. I'm not looking to dodge anything. Matter of fact every time you said I dodged a question, you took a answer out of context. Intentional or not you are not looking at the big picture I am trying to illustrate. If you need simpler answers ask simpler questions. Know the answers I give are based off the questions you ask.
Quote:If you were really secure in your beliefs, you wouldn't act like this. I suggest you have a lot of soul searching to do. I'll be happy to continue this discussion if you ever find the courage to actually question the things you believe. Until you do, there's nothing to gain from this.

Your not really familiar with how Jesus taught are you?
While I am not anywhere as good a teacher as jesus I do use his methods.