Atheism has nothing to do with how simple or complex religions are, because we don't have any religion at all. We are not a religion. We have an absence of religion. Can't get more simple than that.
We are not out to rule the world. We simply want religions to stop trying to rule us. We do not want to take away your right to whatever religion you believe in. We just don't want it forced on us. A fair world treats people equally without favouring the rules of any religion, and determines its laws based on what is or isn't harmful to society instead of whatever some old fairy tale bible book says.
We are not out to rule the world. We simply want religions to stop trying to rule us. We do not want to take away your right to whatever religion you believe in. We just don't want it forced on us. A fair world treats people equally without favouring the rules of any religion, and determines its laws based on what is or isn't harmful to society instead of whatever some old fairy tale bible book says.
I'm really shitty at giving kudos and rep. That's because I would be inconsistent in remembering to do them, and also I don't really want it to show if any favouritism is happening. Even worse would be inconsistencies causing false favouritisms to show. So, fuck it. Just assume that I've given you some good rep and a number of kudos, and everyone should be happy...