(January 3, 2015 at 6:41 am)Losty Wrote: I'm sorry I don't know if I'm just super dense today...but I honestly don't see how either of your responses were relevant to my post. I'm not a member of a real tribe...
Killing someone for doing whatever it takes to feed their children is pretty fucking sick if you ask me.
Your apology is not required.
I don't know what you mean by a 'real' tribe. I used that term for convenience in referring to identifiable replicating patterns which include you. You are, by definition, members of these patterns and you and they may or may not profit from your membership. These replicating patterns are subject to natural selection as are all replicating patterns. Those patterns which persist and replicate best are those patterns which we observe. The characteristics which allow them to persist and replicate may be considered 'good' in the context of their persistence and replication.
For example, your distain for killing starving children would be 'good' for the replication and persistence of humans and by extension human society. It would not be good from the standpoint of an elephant whose children would be threatened by the flourishing of the human population.
As a human, I find human suffering disagreeable. I also find the gratuitous death of human children evil. However, I try to consider viewpoints other than my own. From the contexts of the above replicators e.g. the elephant or more abstractly, human society you get different answers. Is bacon good? Most people you ask say yes! but the pig would disagree.
So how, exactly, does God know that She's NOT a brain in a vat?