Speaking as a student from the UK, most people I know would probably identify as agnostic.
I know a couple people from the Christian Union at my university but aside from that you wouldn't know anyone else was christian unless you asked, it doesn't seem to be such an important thing as in the US. Nobody I know goes to church, except for one guy I knew who went bell ringing, but he was a little weird like that.
From the few conversations I've had with people, most just come across as though they haven't even given the question much thought at all. You're almost scoffed at if you try to have an intellectual discussion about god, at least in my experience. It's just not something people seem to give a shit about.
I know a couple people from the Christian Union at my university but aside from that you wouldn't know anyone else was christian unless you asked, it doesn't seem to be such an important thing as in the US. Nobody I know goes to church, except for one guy I knew who went bell ringing, but he was a little weird like that.
From the few conversations I've had with people, most just come across as though they haven't even given the question much thought at all. You're almost scoffed at if you try to have an intellectual discussion about god, at least in my experience. It's just not something people seem to give a shit about.