(January 30, 2015 at 12:16 pm)Drich Wrote:Post 445:(January 29, 2015 at 2:16 pm)Xeno Wrote: OK.
First off, I understand not wanting to call anyone out, but by doing that you just repeated your assertion that no one is addressing your points without providing evidence.
Post 445 is another example of me knocking down a strawman. line by line. This thread is full of these examples.
Quote: You just repeated that we are using the strawman fallacy without pointing out where it was used.Because in 2/3's of my posts i spend the majority of my time addressing strawmen and their specifics. I did not know I needed to point them out to you.
Quote:Second, I don't see how anyone here is intellectually lazy, since most of us are actually trying to understand your points and make our own.This is not true. Post 445 is a great example of my answer to an atheist changing what I said to make his points valid.
Quote:(We would be intellectually lazy if we just took everything we heard for granted, in which case we would not be having this discussion.Yes that is indeed one form of intelectual laziness. another is not addressing the points of a topic because one does not have an answer to give on the specifics of a given topic, but rather change the topic just enough to make old arguements work, or they introduce a red herring to change the topic. (much like your efforts have been centered around)
In which you do what you're doing now - claiming that we are using the strawman fallacy without pointing out how. Bolding mine.
Quote:Quote:Third, I see you're still holding a grudge for the spelling thing.So?
You literally just took the first sentence of my point.
Quote:Quote: In that situation there is little to do but point out the spelling mistakes. It's not a personal attack, the mistakes make your posts less clear.
Quote:And being on the topic, you could at least admit to some of them, which you didn't.You don't understand how this whole dsylexica thing works do you? My mind literally auto corrects, and I do not see it the mispellings unless a word is way off. Otherwise there is nothing to admit to, because there is nothing wrong that I can see. I would have to go letter by letter with the correct spelling along side to see and make those changes.
My dad is dyslexic, so I would say I have a pretty good understanding of "how this whole dsylexica thing works".
Quote:Quote:And, just like the spelling, your formatting is making your posts very hard to read. Please fix it.
out of 48 pages 3 maybe 4 indivisual posts had formatting issues.
To cite your own words, "so"?
Quote:Those who can do
Those who can't only teach
Those who can't teach grade papers. you are little more than a paper grader, as nothing we have discussed has had anything to do with what is topically being discussed.
I agree this has nothing to do with the topic. I don't see any point in wasting my time, since I know you will reply saying exactly the same things you have already said.