4-20 spread limit holdem hand.
February 15, 2015 at 7:25 am
(This post was last modified: February 15, 2015 at 7:29 am by Heywood.)
I'm in the cut off(button is to my immediate left). I'm dealt a pair of red jack. Three people ahead of me limped in for 4 bucks a piece. I make it 16. The button calls, the blinds fold, two of limpers call. Figure after the drops about $67 in the pot.
On an earlier hand the guy on the button 3 bet me with KK and I don't figure him to make many pre-flop calling mistakes. The two limpers I don't know a lot about except I do figure them to make lots of calling mistakes.
Flop comes Kc Qs 6d.
Its is checked to me. How should I proceed?
On an earlier hand the guy on the button 3 bet me with KK and I don't figure him to make many pre-flop calling mistakes. The two limpers I don't know a lot about except I do figure them to make lots of calling mistakes.
Flop comes Kc Qs 6d.
Its is checked to me. How should I proceed?