Plays .avi files.
Doesn't like my .mkv and mp4 videos...
Doesn't do full screen when I use "alt+Enter"... even SNES emulators do this!
Spacebar to play/pause - I like!
Why does a double-vertical arrow appear when the mouse cursor goes over the progress bar?
Up/Down arrows do some skipping similar to left/right... I prefer to have up/down to control the sound volume.
Can't drag&drop from Explorer to playlist scratch that... needs a default playlist where we can drop into.
Supports srt subtitles... but need more options... I hate that shadow, much prefer an outline.
I have an .avi file with AC3 stereo audio... I hear nothing...
Plays MP3's!
It's a bit weird that the bottom and top menus, sometimes, disappear when the cursor isn't over them... It's alright when in full screen, but not when in windowed mode.
Do you really need to show sub-second accuracy when playing video/audio?
Plays .avi files.
Doesn't like my .mkv and mp4 videos...
Doesn't do full screen when I use "alt+Enter"... even SNES emulators do this!
Spacebar to play/pause - I like!
Why does a double-vertical arrow appear when the mouse cursor goes over the progress bar?
Up/Down arrows do some skipping similar to left/right... I prefer to have up/down to control the sound volume.
Can't drag&drop from Explorer to playlist scratch that... needs a default playlist where we can drop into.
Supports srt subtitles... but need more options... I hate that shadow, much prefer an outline.
I have an .avi file with AC3 stereo audio... I hear nothing...
Plays MP3's!
It's a bit weird that the bottom and top menus, sometimes, disappear when the cursor isn't over them... It's alright when in full screen, but not when in windowed mode.
Do you really need to show sub-second accuracy when playing video/audio?