You might be surprised. Our hung parliament has turned out quite well; I was at first quite apprehensive about the Lib Dems sharing some of the power, but it seems that they have managed to turn the Tories over to the idea of various freedoms and have boosted public interest. I was with a few Libertarian friends recently, and we all agreed that the current government is the closest we've had to a Libertarian system...ever. The Conservatives have a good grip on the economy, and the Lib Dems are more tuned into the social aspects.
You might be surprised. Our hung parliament has turned out quite well; I was at first quite apprehensive about the Lib Dems sharing some of the power, but it seems that they have managed to turn the Tories over to the idea of various freedoms and have boosted public interest. I was with a few Libertarian friends recently, and we all agreed that the current government is the closest we've had to a Libertarian system...ever. The Conservatives have a good grip on the economy, and the Lib Dems are more tuned into the social aspects.