Here are a few interesting links about Stay at Home Daughters. SHDs are linked in with the fundamentalist purity movement, courtship and arranged marriages. Daughters are supposed to look to their fathers for everything. The first link discusses a 31 year old woman who lists her jobs as pinterest and who asks her dad to approve her outfit every morning. It sounds too cartoony to be real but it is true. Thankfully, I don't ever see this group getting too large. When you have a large number of kids with only one parent working who are homeschooled by a mom who was also homeschooled, you end up with a growing number of uneducated poor people who will eventually leave that mindset for something better.
The next link is a young person's blog who is still a Stay at Home Daughter. I do not know how old she is so I don't want to mock her. She might be an adolescent. Her site gives a justification for the black and white gender roles that she has been taught.
Ironically, one way girls are kept in this mindset is that it is highly romanticized. They believe that they are somehow doing a great deed by keeping a clean house and waiting for a perfect husband to drop into their waiting laps. It is very sad.
And here is the same young lady's description of submission. This is very heart breaking.
The next link is a young person's blog who is still a Stay at Home Daughter. I do not know how old she is so I don't want to mock her. She might be an adolescent. Her site gives a justification for the black and white gender roles that she has been taught.
Quote:You see, God created us with such a spectacular purpose when it comes to being a helper. We are to help our husbands bring glory and honor to the Lord God Almighty. There is nothing inferior, less than valuable or unimportant about that. You are bringing glory to God by being a helper. And if you are unmarried, it is so important to understand the high value of this role of helper.
Ironically, one way girls are kept in this mindset is that it is highly romanticized. They believe that they are somehow doing a great deed by keeping a clean house and waiting for a perfect husband to drop into their waiting laps. It is very sad.
And here is the same young lady's description of submission. This is very heart breaking.
Quote:God created submission to be much like a chain of beads. There is distinct order and design. God is a God of order and each person in His plan for submission is like a bead. God is at the top, Jesus is next, the husband comes after, then the wife, and last the children. If you were to pull out or remove any of these “beads” then God’s plan for submission would fall apart and He would dishonored.
God did not create submission to keep you from the fun things in life or to make you miserable. Many women think that only they are to be in submission, however, men are to be in submission to Christ. That’s the way God made it to be. Submission was created to protect you. When you step out of the order of submission according to God’s Holy Word, you have ripped God’s source of protection from you.