RE: Define Marriage
April 21, 2015 at 1:45 pm
(This post was last modified: April 21, 2015 at 1:56 pm by Hatshepsut.)
(April 20, 2015 at 2:50 pm)Mezmo! Wrote: The ... promiscuity ... and over-sexualization of Western culture have already done their damage... For example, I had a friend that was raised in a commune. None of the children were certain about who their real parents were. When the adults gave favor to some children over others for no apparent reason, the children got very confused...
Other posts have averred that reflects upon the adults more than upon the system they were using. Some Native American societies did raise their children communally, acting a village, presumably so that the mothers of small kids wouldn't have as great a burden of care. But modern communes in western countries aren't really like tribal villages. For the Natives it was family life as usual. For us the communes represent some form of rebellion against the wider society, often coupled with isolation under the tutelage of a charismatic leader. So these communes tend to come with problems waiting to happen. And they tend to fold quickly where Native villages lasted centuries. The Amish are a partial exception yet even there half of their kids leave upon reaching majority despite the fact that each Amish family remains a separate unit within the township.
My guess is that same-sex and group marriage and family arrangements can work quite fine, provided they are regulated in an appropriate way. I'd rather be a kid with two quality dads than have an alcoholic traditional home.
What to do about the over-hyping of sex in our commercial culture, I have no idea...

(April 20, 2015 at 12:56 pm)Mezmo! Wrote: Biological sex, which is objective, has been replaced with gender, a self-selected identity.
I like that someone realizes sex and gender are distinct concepts in anthropology and sociology.