The comedian Bill Burr recently made a funny but true point.
We are told when we are young to believe in the tooth fairy, easter bunny and santa claus. All of them have ridiculous stories of how they deliver their goods for the special occasion. At the same time we are told equally as ridiculous stories about jesus. Born to a girl who is a virgin, feeds thousands of people with only a few fish, turns water into wine, walks on water and the most unbelievable comes back from being dead three days later.
Eventually we are told that everyone except jesus does not exist, so we cling on hard to the one fairy tale we have left. Some people come to their senses on their own but a good majority of americans keep doubling down again and again, to the point if they see the light and say something different, they would look foolish. Everyone knows us Murican's aint foolish!
We are told when we are young to believe in the tooth fairy, easter bunny and santa claus. All of them have ridiculous stories of how they deliver their goods for the special occasion. At the same time we are told equally as ridiculous stories about jesus. Born to a girl who is a virgin, feeds thousands of people with only a few fish, turns water into wine, walks on water and the most unbelievable comes back from being dead three days later.
Eventually we are told that everyone except jesus does not exist, so we cling on hard to the one fairy tale we have left. Some people come to their senses on their own but a good majority of americans keep doubling down again and again, to the point if they see the light and say something different, they would look foolish. Everyone knows us Murican's aint foolish!