RE: The Question of the Greek New Testament
May 14, 2015 at 8:09 pm
(This post was last modified: May 14, 2015 at 8:13 pm by nihilistcat.)
If we could have a Q & A with Christians from throughout the ages, it would look something like this:
Q: how were we created
A: on the first day, God created the heavens and the earth ..... on day 5 he created life, and day 6 he created man.
***fast forward several centuries
Q: in light of the evidence concerning evolution, how do you reconcile the book of Genesis?
A: oh, it's figurative not literal
Q: yeah but your ancient self said it was literal
A: nope, figurative
Q: isn't it strange that you only changed your story when the scientific evidence became irrefutable?
A: nope
Q: huh? In any other context that would be dubious wouldn't it?
A: no
Q: uhhhh, okay well, how about the fact that recent evidence indicates that none of the gospel authors were actually disciples or for that matter from Galilee?
A: even if that's true, it was inspired by the holy spirit ... and thus the word of gawd. So doesn't matter who wrote it.
Q: okay, that's a little ridiculous, how do you know it was inspired?
A: ummm, cause the bible says so and so does my church
Q: so you're testing the veracity of a book by referring to that same book?
A: now you're starting to get it
Q: ummm, you're fucking retarded
Q: how were we created
A: on the first day, God created the heavens and the earth ..... on day 5 he created life, and day 6 he created man.
***fast forward several centuries
Q: in light of the evidence concerning evolution, how do you reconcile the book of Genesis?
A: oh, it's figurative not literal
Q: yeah but your ancient self said it was literal
A: nope, figurative
Q: isn't it strange that you only changed your story when the scientific evidence became irrefutable?
A: nope
Q: huh? In any other context that would be dubious wouldn't it?
A: no
Q: uhhhh, okay well, how about the fact that recent evidence indicates that none of the gospel authors were actually disciples or for that matter from Galilee?
A: even if that's true, it was inspired by the holy spirit ... and thus the word of gawd. So doesn't matter who wrote it.
Q: okay, that's a little ridiculous, how do you know it was inspired?
A: ummm, cause the bible says so and so does my church
Q: so you're testing the veracity of a book by referring to that same book?
A: now you're starting to get it
Q: ummm, you're fucking retarded