(May 23, 2015 at 2:30 am)Aroura Wrote: So really, this argument amounts to: a person in heaven would understand gods reason for sending their loved one to hell, so they would then just accept it as right and good. Is this about right? This sounds like an adjusted version of the Lobotomy.
I'm shocked that you don't see what an appalling argument that is. So love is totally conditional, and god can take it away with...understanding of why that person needs to suffer torment for all eternity. That...is...fucking...sick.
And hey, with understanding does not come acceptance of other's suffering. As humans become more advanced, we generally go the other way, and find that there is little reason for another's suffering. Many people even defend the murderers, whores, and so forth (cough ~jesus~ cough).
The more understanding we gain, the less judgemental we become. Funny how the Christian notion of god and heaven is that we will become MORE judgmental and accepting of others suffering. It's like you believe 2 completely different things at the same time!
Let us go out on a limb and say there is one truth. If that truth is known by more than one it is shared by both (the general argument against the acceptance of facts of science). Now there are those who do not accept the truth no matter what (we call them bigots or religious nuts). So if that person accepts the truth in time, though that truth is not what they want it to be does that sounds like an adjusted lobotomy? No, then might we say the same about the truth of who is to be punished and for what. Otherwise you are saying we should all have our own individual truth and remain forever bigoted to the truth.