(June 7, 2015 at 12:32 am)Goosebump Wrote: I fail to see the corilation between a parent failing at potty training and home school vs public school.
Did you home school because your kids aren't potty trained? Or did you home school because you felt the lack of potty training in public schools was a problem? I am at a complete loss over your reasoning. How does a pair of unpotty trained kids figure into your homeschooling choice?
Also this show looks a bit soap mixed with perry maison. We shall see.
Sorry, I didn't really make a very clear line of reasoning.
I just started homeschooling in October of last year. I realize there is a lot of stigma around it, one of the reasons I put it off for so long. People tend to get a bad impression just hearing those words, and they get very judgmental. So by admitting I do it here, openly, I guess I'm asking for a lot of abuse.
But let me try and be clearer.
I homeschool because the local school has classes of about 30 kids each, and the teachers aren't really equipped to handle that many kids, especially when a large portion of them have behavior issues (this is the bad parenting bit). They are mostly good kids, I think, being slowly turned into not so good kids.
One mother is banned form the school property because she has pending homicide charges from the death of another child.....I'm not freaking joking. And she barges onto school property to get one of her 5 offspring about once a week anyway. I've spoken to 3 different teachers who have quit in the last 2 years for basically the same reason I pulled my kid out of there.
Yes, there are kids who literally pee on the carpet still in 2nd grade. There was hitting, bullying, cops called when a 1st grader ran away from school, and another time a kid locked themselves in the bathroom. This kid's parents (and I feel terrible for that kid), were outspoken in their belief that the problem was not enough Jesus in the classroom.
My kid went there for 2 years (Kinder and 1st), and I volunteered often, and I saw a failing school, and no amount of my volunteering was fixing it. I did try to help, it's not as if I just gave in right away. But really, my kid was practically falling asleep from boredom as the teacher spent a full hour on a single subtraction problem.
In a class that size in the area we are in, the teacher must teach to bottom of the class. The middle and even the brightest kids often got labeled as troublemakers for acting out of boredom. My kid was not labeled as a trouble child (yet), but I wasn't going to sit on my bum while the school and bad examples from other kids turned her into one.
And yes, this has a huge amount to do with bad parenting because the vast majority of parents I speak to around this craphole of a town are negative about education in general, and derisive about reading to their kids. They let the TV, the computer, and the school raise their children for them, then complain when their child cannot read at their own grade level. My child still gets TV and computer games, I'm no Nazi, it just isn't my babysitting service.
I have nothing against public schooling in general (I rather enjoyed the 2 PS I attended as a kid), and I hope to get my kid back into a (decent) PS as soon as we move to a new school district (that will probably be 4th grade for her), but after some of the things I witnessed at the school in the district we are in, in person, there was no way I was letting my kid stay there longer.
“Eternity is a terrible thought. I mean, where's it going to end?”
― Tom Stoppard, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead
― Tom Stoppard, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead