This former Catholic, me, WILL blast the Pope.
OP/ED.......I am sick of people masturbating over the Pope. Most recently lots of people are getting excited that he is pointing to climate change being real, funny how short term people's memories are with this guy. He didn't do this because it is right, he did this because he saw which way the wind was blowing. His institution has had a long history of science denial. Galileo comes to mind, and it was not until the 70s that the Vatican officially accepted the planet as a globe. They have stuck their nose into abortion issues as well as advising humans not to use condoms. He has faked tolerance for gays telling the west one thing while traveling to parts of Asia saying they needed to "defend traditional marriage". And after the Hebdo attacks his attitude was "they shouldn't be surprised"(meaning the victims and survivors) as he put it "you should expect to be punched because picking on religion is like picking on someone's mother". He is nobody's hero. He has a science degree, but he is still promoting a comic book club.
Now yes, I have mentioned a religious label in this OP/ED, but it applies to all religions in our species recorded history. I am no fan of the idea that merely based on title or club, that makes one moral and much less right about everything. Religion, when it cannot defeat something through logic, or force, switches to adapting to continue marketing the club. He isn't doing this because he accepts all of science, otherwise he would not be the head of a club of superstition. He is doing this to keep his power and continue the marketing of his club.
The fact is all religions do this. They adapt, not because the want to out of intellectual honesty, but because they want to keep the club in tact. He may accept climate change, but still markets a book full of scientific absurdities and a book full of sexism and tribalism and plenty of immoral stories.
OP/ED.......I am sick of people masturbating over the Pope. Most recently lots of people are getting excited that he is pointing to climate change being real, funny how short term people's memories are with this guy. He didn't do this because it is right, he did this because he saw which way the wind was blowing. His institution has had a long history of science denial. Galileo comes to mind, and it was not until the 70s that the Vatican officially accepted the planet as a globe. They have stuck their nose into abortion issues as well as advising humans not to use condoms. He has faked tolerance for gays telling the west one thing while traveling to parts of Asia saying they needed to "defend traditional marriage". And after the Hebdo attacks his attitude was "they shouldn't be surprised"(meaning the victims and survivors) as he put it "you should expect to be punched because picking on religion is like picking on someone's mother". He is nobody's hero. He has a science degree, but he is still promoting a comic book club.
Now yes, I have mentioned a religious label in this OP/ED, but it applies to all religions in our species recorded history. I am no fan of the idea that merely based on title or club, that makes one moral and much less right about everything. Religion, when it cannot defeat something through logic, or force, switches to adapting to continue marketing the club. He isn't doing this because he accepts all of science, otherwise he would not be the head of a club of superstition. He is doing this to keep his power and continue the marketing of his club.
The fact is all religions do this. They adapt, not because the want to out of intellectual honesty, but because they want to keep the club in tact. He may accept climate change, but still markets a book full of scientific absurdities and a book full of sexism and tribalism and plenty of immoral stories.