(June 14, 2015 at 10:05 pm)Randy Carson Wrote: You saw the photo.
Hitler visited the Weimar Nietzsche because he had read Nietzsche and admired him. The Aryan race was a twisted version of Nietzsche's "superman". Hitler understood with chilling clarity the moral implications of a Nietzschean world without God. Once he had attained power, he created the concentration camps to implement the Darwinian law of nature that would bring about the elimination of the unfit and the creation of a civilization that was fit for the master race.
So, yeah, Hitler's "final solution" was all about doing "what was best for his people without regard to other populations." and the connection is obvious.
Nietzsche > Hitler > Auschwitz
But noooo...according to the stuff I'm told in the "Why Be Good?" thread, atheism (and the death of God) has nothing to do with this whatsoever.
I guess Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot (to name a few) just weren't as evolved as the rest of you.
You know I was going to ignore that when you first mentioned it, since I didn't consider every idiocy worthy of a reply. But you're coming back to it. And never was the old saying more fitting: si tacuisses philosophus mansisses
I don't suppose, the name Jörg Lanz von Liebenfels rings any bells with you. How about Georg Ritter von Schönerer? Karl Lueger? Guido von List?
How about Brigitte Hamann?
How about reading Hitler's actual speeches and most of all his book "Mein Kampf". Too much effort?
I get it, you take the first item from the apologist lunchbox and blow it out your ass.