Hello Randy, I do believe I've seen you on Catholic answers. I've got a question for you, one which I saw a new member (or Trial Member as they're called there) ask on CA only yesterday and be banned for "contempt for Catholicism" within four minutes for doing so.
Why does the Catholic Church encourage telling lies to ones spouse?
I mean, lets look at the concept of "Radical Convalidation". For everyone else here that doesn't know if a Catholic marries outside the Catholic Church without the permission of a Bishop the Catholic Church says the marriage is "invalid"; it never happened and the couple is living in sin whoring it about. Fear not, the Catholic Church is ever so forgiving and if you ask the local priest very nicely for permission he in his mercy may graciously grant permission to marry; where the marriage is then "validated" and accepted as legal within the Church.
Now very often you get one spouse who isn't Catholic, is very offended to be told their Greek Orthodox or Anglican wedding ceremony wasn't "valid" and is a whore living in sin and doesn't want to ask the Catholic Church for permission to marry. In these scenarios Catholics are ordered to obtain "secret radical convalidation", where they can apologise on the rebellious spouses behalf and obtain the permission to marry that the spouse doesn't want to ask for. Essentially throwing their wishes in the trash.
Now I know the Catholic Church doesn't give two shits about peoples freedom of conscience or freedom of/from religion (Pius IX in the Syllabus of Errors actually infallibly defined the only acceptable "Freedom of Religion" as "The freedom the practice the only true religion; Catholicism".) But I thought telling lies was bad, but the Catholic Church seems to very strongly encourage it.
Lets look at the sacrament of confession too, whatever is said inside won't be told to anyone else. So the cheating husband who could have caught aids from a prostitute can go on cheating and not give his wife any warning he might be giving her a life threatening STD. The murderer can go on out free as a bird. Again, the Catholic Church is encouraging deceit, and quite often is getting away with perverting the course of justice under the guise of "religious practice".
I don't say this to be malicious, it seems the Catholic Church for an organization that preaches about truth spends an awful lot of time encouraging deception. I mean biggest of all lets look at the sin of "scandal". It basically boils down (for non Catholic/theologians out there) as "it's a bigger sin to be thought to be sinning than to actually be sinning". So if you rape a child, it's better to not tell anyone, because if people think you may have raped a child it's worse than actually raping a child, but if you do it and keep it hushed up, it's not as bad.
I wish I was making these crazy scenarios up, but after my research dissertation for my M.A about Catholic Sex Abuse in Newfoundland nothing can really surprise me anymore.
How do you explain it Randy? Why is it good and holy to lie to the police to protect rapists and tell lies to your wife?
Why does the Catholic Church encourage telling lies to ones spouse?
I mean, lets look at the concept of "Radical Convalidation". For everyone else here that doesn't know if a Catholic marries outside the Catholic Church without the permission of a Bishop the Catholic Church says the marriage is "invalid"; it never happened and the couple is living in sin whoring it about. Fear not, the Catholic Church is ever so forgiving and if you ask the local priest very nicely for permission he in his mercy may graciously grant permission to marry; where the marriage is then "validated" and accepted as legal within the Church.
Now very often you get one spouse who isn't Catholic, is very offended to be told their Greek Orthodox or Anglican wedding ceremony wasn't "valid" and is a whore living in sin and doesn't want to ask the Catholic Church for permission to marry. In these scenarios Catholics are ordered to obtain "secret radical convalidation", where they can apologise on the rebellious spouses behalf and obtain the permission to marry that the spouse doesn't want to ask for. Essentially throwing their wishes in the trash.
Now I know the Catholic Church doesn't give two shits about peoples freedom of conscience or freedom of/from religion (Pius IX in the Syllabus of Errors actually infallibly defined the only acceptable "Freedom of Religion" as "The freedom the practice the only true religion; Catholicism".) But I thought telling lies was bad, but the Catholic Church seems to very strongly encourage it.
Lets look at the sacrament of confession too, whatever is said inside won't be told to anyone else. So the cheating husband who could have caught aids from a prostitute can go on cheating and not give his wife any warning he might be giving her a life threatening STD. The murderer can go on out free as a bird. Again, the Catholic Church is encouraging deceit, and quite often is getting away with perverting the course of justice under the guise of "religious practice".
I don't say this to be malicious, it seems the Catholic Church for an organization that preaches about truth spends an awful lot of time encouraging deception. I mean biggest of all lets look at the sin of "scandal". It basically boils down (for non Catholic/theologians out there) as "it's a bigger sin to be thought to be sinning than to actually be sinning". So if you rape a child, it's better to not tell anyone, because if people think you may have raped a child it's worse than actually raping a child, but if you do it and keep it hushed up, it's not as bad.
I wish I was making these crazy scenarios up, but after my research dissertation for my M.A about Catholic Sex Abuse in Newfoundland nothing can really surprise me anymore.
How do you explain it Randy? Why is it good and holy to lie to the police to protect rapists and tell lies to your wife?