(June 22, 2015 at 2:01 am)Godschild Wrote:Quick, get the Thorazine out, I want to shut his head off!(June 20, 2015 at 11:11 pm)Pyrrho Wrote: When one is called one must give an answer, those who answer to the affirmative one is chosen.
This has nothing to do with heaven or hell, God was telling Jeremiah of the plan He wanted for his life, as long as he accepted.
Instead of just copying from a website that is biased to a certain point of view, you should have read the verses that followed verse 12 and you would have found Jesus was using them to help explain the parable to those who were with Him, even they did not understand the parable of the sower. He did not mean they wouldn't latter have a chance to be saved unless they continued with their eyes and ears closed to the truth.
To be holy and blameless before God can only happen by choosing Christ the Son, the choice is ours, as I said above we are chosen when we choose Christ. If you will take close notice to the bold wording, you will see it's through Christ which we choose according to John 3:16. Those that choose Christ are predestined to be accepted as holy and blameless before the Father.
You really seem to have trouble with see what the wording of scriptures say, you seem to fit the first verse you posted or you're just posting what others say without even reading the passages, both will have the same result. Again the bold shows what's happened or happening, people have to choose to love God. His purpose was always to give man the chance at redemption. He foreknew doesn't mean predestined. We who choose are predestined to be conformed to the image of Christ. These whom He predestined are those predestined to be in the image of Christ after we choose Christ.
God's wisdom was predestined to be a mystery, that later will be revealed to those who choose Christ, no one is being predestined.
The destined occurrence was the death of Christ, Herod, Pilate and the others were known by God to harden their hearts against Christ, so He used them for His purpose.
This has nothing to do with predestined salvation and the days that were ordained to him were recorded because God knew when he would die before he was born.
This means only this, God knows those who will harden themselves against Him. His foreknowledge allows Him to use people for His purpose without endangering them to an eternal punishment.
Using only part of the story profits no one. As I said above God knew Pharaoh would harden his heart towards God, God hardened Pharaoh's heart o not let His people to go in order to show Egypt the power He has. Pharaoh was considered a living god by the Egyptians and God was going to show them that Pharaoh had no power to compete with God's.
These verses show we have choice in our salvation and it shows God chose the works beforehand that those who chose Christ would be doing.
This simply means that no one who refuses Christ will be appointed to eternal life. This is about foreknowledge of those who chose.
John 3:16 destroys all the notions of predestination.
Courtesy of:
As I have shown the predestinationist haven't a foot to stand on, no verses support that belief and besides John 3:16 there are many verses that show we can only gain salvation through choosing Christ for who He is.
You say you have an opinion, then you make an absolute claim, that's trying to have your cake and it it too.
The only crap I've seen here is you using the opinions of others as your own, you copied this stuff and did no research, again I'll refer you back to the first verse you posted, that shows you have chosen to be one of those that would rather be deaf and dumb.
As for why God created the world and the entire universe, if you had ever troubled yourself to learn by reading the Bible you would know God did it for His pleasure. And, He being the only One who could accomplish the creation why shouldn't He create what pleases Him.
Being told you're delusional does not necessarily mean you're mental.