The New Testament is heavily influenced by Hellenism. The miracle stories of Jesus, for example. Read Hellenistic miracle stories and you will see the same sorts of things going on.
Anything written in Greek is written in the language of Hellenism, so you need to get rid of all originally Greek texts. That means you pretty much have to throw out the entire New Testament if you don't want Hellenistic influences in your religion.
Now, if you reject the New Testament, then you might be able to get rid of Hellenistic influences.
Anything written in Greek is written in the language of Hellenism, so you need to get rid of all originally Greek texts. That means you pretty much have to throw out the entire New Testament if you don't want Hellenistic influences in your religion.
Now, if you reject the New Testament, then you might be able to get rid of Hellenistic influences.
"A wise man ... proportions his belief to the evidence."
— David Hume, An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, Section X, Part I.