Quote: This is and always has been about the children/next generation and who gets to program them. That is why gay people seek the legitimacy of marriage verse a civil union. You need to start the propaganda young inorder to push what the OP identifies as "What's next." And a marriage puts a gay couple on par with a proper Mother and Father.
Interesting you should mention this. Many would call the indoctrination of religion onto young children who are too young to be able to make an informed, independent decision, child abuse. And it is. Religion puts the idea of fear into young children, that if they don't obey god, they will go to hell. Religion brainwashes young children into thinking that the story of Noah's ark is a wonderful children's tale about gods love. When in fact, it's pure violence and bullshit. It puts the idea that if they don't accept good ol' JC, into their hearts as their lord and savior, they're going to hell.
As far as why gay couples sought out the legitimacy of marriage vs. a civil union - you obviously didn't read what I wrote, which was written by a member of the LGBT community. Who better to explain this than a person who has had to fight for the same EQUAL rights that married heterosexual couples currently enjoy? While I, myself am not gay, I have dozens of friends who are and you have a seriously twisted notion of why they wanted same sex marriage legalized in the first place.
And lastly, there is absolutely nothing wrong with two women or two men raising a child together. There isn't anything that a mom and dad can teach a child that a mom and mom or dad and dad can't teach their child. Nurturing and love can come from anyone. What do you think single parents do when the other parent is not in a child's life, for whatever reason? If a single parent can fill BOTH roles of mom and dad, than it goes to say that two parents of the same sex can and do enjoy raising a child with just as much love and nurturing. Hate is taught. Discrimination and bias are taught. Bigotry is taught.
A white child and a black child playing together in the park see no differences and will happily be friends UNTIL someone points it out and makes an issue of it and convinces them both that they are different. The tone of skin color does not dictate what sort of personality that child will develop UNLESS there is someone there to make damn sure that hatred is learned and that they base that learned hatred on the color of someone's skin.
And you can apply that same negative thought pattern to stereotyping males and females. Adults - parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles alike unwittingly teach girls that trucks, trains and cars are toys for "boys" and that they shouldn't play with them because of the misnomer that they'll end up a tomboy. Then they then turn around and teach boys that dolls, play houses, and princess-themed items are things for "girls" and indoctrinate the misnomer that they will be gay if they play with any of those things.
My youngest daughter played with trucks, toy cars, and trains. Her favorite sport is football. She likes monster truck races and mud bog racing. She never did like girly things until just a few years ago when she turned ten years old. Now, she loves makeup, dresses, nail polish and constantly asks me to style her hair. Has she turned out gay? Nope. Even if she does... I would fully support her and whomever she decides to marry. Coincidentally, my stepson came out to his father and myself two weeks ago. He's 13. He has always played with toys that are for "boys". So the bullshit argument that certain toys are for boys and certain toys are for girls is invalid. We, as an entire family, fully support him and whatever decisions he makes about his life going forward. We love him for who he is, not for who he is attracted to. And if he wants to wear a dress out to dinner, by all means... I'm going to take the kid shopping for a pink dress because that's his favorite color.
Some of you goddamn Christians need to stop with the persecution complex that anyone who isn't a Christian is out to get you or take away your rights. Fuck that. You aren't being persecuted and no one is trying to take away your rights. Period. I see none of you being oppressed, victimized, being mis-treated, getting abused or being discriminated against in any way simply because SCOTUS made a decision in favor of doing the right thing. All of those words mean persecution. None of which is happening to any Christian because of what happened on June 17th. Not a single decision made that day had any direct impact on your religious beliefs. No one is forcing a priest, pastor, minister or any other member of clergy to perform such marriages. And if you think that it does, you obviously don't have a clear understanding about what it DOES mean.
And as for the term "marriage" if you don't like gay marriage - then don't marry someone who's gay. You want to pick apart terminology and act like the word "marriage" is strictly for heterosexual couples? Well thanks to SCOTUS, it isn't anymore my friend. It's for EVERYONE. Time to let some of that hatred towards people who are different than you, go.
Curious, but since this public outcry against same sex marriage by Conservative Christians is so fucking important, then why isn't there such a huge, public outcry from them over the issue of divorce? I mean, seriously, two men getting married today is not going to have any impact on your marriage. They aren't moving into your house claiming the master bedroom and kicking you out. They aren't sharing a meal with you, or paying bills with you or raising your children. So if their marriage isn't causing a disruption in your day-to-day life, why do you feel you have to disrupt their lives, because clearly, it's none of anyone's fucking business but the two people marrying each other.
Disclaimer: I am only responsible for what I say, not what you choose to understand.