(July 4, 2015 at 1:39 pm)drfuzzy Wrote: Oh, hello hello everyone!
I'm a middle-aged, female, tattooed lesbian atheist. And I'm also the organist for a Catholic Church.
I need intelligent conversation!!!
I was raised Southern Baptist. (Yeah, I know, YIKES!) AND I was stupid enough to get music degrees in college. (Double yikes!)
It's very hard for a self-employed musician to survive without a church job. But you know what they say: if you want to become
an atheist, just work for a church. It's not very long before you think "does he even know what he just said?" having to listen to
sermons and bible readings every weekend. Not to mention that church workers are usually JUST AWFUL to each other.
I might quote that old button "my karma ran over my dogma"! It did.
I'm happy to announce that I have recently acquired full-time gainful employment, and will be financially able to escape from
the loony bin soon.
I'm a huge fan of Sagan, Hitchens, deGrasse Tyson, Hawking, Dawkins, Kelly . . . if you can suggest any good books or great
groups to join, I would appreciate it! Good to "meet" you! drfuzzy
Two undermentioned but, to me two of the most important books in science and atheism come from the late Victor Stenger, "God The Failed Hypothesis" and " The New Atheism".