RE: Supreme Court Same Sex Marriage Argumet
July 12, 2015 at 8:11 pm
(This post was last modified: July 12, 2015 at 8:24 pm by Ace.)
(July 12, 2015 at 4:31 am)robvalue Wrote: This thread has become a showcase of bigotry.
Let's see if I can follow this reasoning:
1) Homos are somehow "worse" than heteros.
2) In a situation where we had to choose to save either homos or heteros, we should choose heteros.
3) Therefor, we should be free to ostracise, persecute and annoy homos any chance we get.
Sensible people do not make everyday judgements based on hypothetical and nonsensical scenarios. Plus, for all this increasingly obvious bigotry, point 1 has not been demonstrated at all. I'm done reading this foul bilge.
I agree with you fully. I myself have been amazed of the amount of bigotry speech that has been given to other that may hold alternative ideological arguments from the majority in this forum. Some is hidden in much word play while other are very plane to see.
A possible tyranny by the majority of the minority. Hmmm

(June 30, 2015 at 8:27 pm)Yeauxleaux Wrote: Tangent, but I want to rant.
Just seen this queen on instagram bashing gay pride marchers who dressed up as Jesus and made satire. "Disrespecting religion" this man says.
Gay people who do this shit wtf. You are aware this religion would have you burned alive if it still had power, right? If you think "disrespecting religion" is on par with burning people alive your sense of reality is skewed. This is not a gay-friendly religion that loves us, it hates us and is un-apologetic about it. Fuck their "feelings", and get a sense of humour ffs, religious satire can be hilarious.
I think the gay community needs an official pejorative term for these sell-out gays, who would throw other gays under the bus to pander to religious sensitivities. These "gays for Palestine" and "ex-gay" types who must have been smoking something. You're not gay people I want in my social circle, and you deserve to be called the fuck out for your bullshit and stigmatised.
Did not know there was gay hate on gay? because one side is religious and the other is not?? Very interesting
. It is religious twits who hate it and then try to make up "reasons" to support their religious views, who are a problem. As things are, it would be better if more people were gay. If sexual orientation were a choice, I likely would have chosen to be gay as a way to say "fuck you!" to Christian jerks who disapprove. Jerks deserve to be offended.
It is right to call the opposition names ? Hmm Could be seen as a hate attack on the religious .
(July 1, 2015 at 7:04 pm)Pyrrho Wrote: So, feel free to tell anyone who wants you to have children to go fuck themselves[/i].
[b]So fuck other peoples ideas? Got it.[/b]
(July 2, 2015 at 10:45 am)Justtristo Wrote: Because it goes a long way to convince the “rubes” …
… the rubes need to convinced this behavior is not morally acceptable.
Name calling opposition. Got it.
I say, gay couples are [i]better for us than heterosexual couples, because they are less likely to accidentally reproduce, and we already have way too many people. .
Is this not saying one group is better then another? So there is no equality or better said it is ok to have inequality if the lower of the two group were heterosexuals?
(July 4, 2015 at 4:11 pm)rexbeccarox Wrote: … maybe they should think about changing their views, or at least not publicly stating them.
Sounds like don't ask don't tell to me. Deny opponents the right to free speech?
(July 4, 2015 at 6:38 pm)Yeauxleaux Wrote: What these people are asking for is free speech, but they want that free speech to only apply to themselves. That's religion all over, play the victim card when it suits.
General fails assumed characteristic of a group or a stereotypical statement.
(July 5, 2015 at 8:56 am)Neimenovic Wrote: … they're not a fucking church. What they were asked for was a damn cake, not their opinions on civil rights.
Got it, one has no say or can expresses them self.
(July 5, 2015 at 2:22 pm)Mr.wizard Wrote: . . . I could care less if its part of your hateful religion.
[b] stereotypical statement or an possible false assumption?[/b]
(July 5, 2015 at 4:43 pm)Yeauxleaux Wrote: However, a lot of these religous people constantly voicing their objections to gay marriage (or divorce, or abortion) are textbook cases of bigotry.
It was never about the legal arguments. You just plain don't like gay people, and you decided to use whatever tools you had at your disposal, but you couldn't keep it up
Stereo-type statement?
(July 6, 2015 at 12:44 pm)Pyrrho Wrote: People will likely stop using the terms "bigot" and "racist" when other people stop being bigoted and racist. Or in other words, not in your lifetime, if ever. So you should get used to hearing the terms with some frequency.
So name calling is ok if one does not agree with you?