RE: Our Boston was diagnosed with 3rd stage high grade metastatic mast cell tumors
July 16, 2015 at 1:00 pm
You know what, GS? I'm really sorry about your dog. It sucks losing a loved one. You are WAY out of line here, though. You say everyone's got $5 in their pocket, eh? Guess what: I recently went completely broke, and I've lost life as I know it. My sister is financially supporting me so that I can get the mental health care I need and she's also paying all of my bills for me. I literally have $25 to my name because I sold some stuff that was important to me. I need to sell my car, which I can't do until I spend $60, which I obviously don't have, to get it smogged, not to mention the fact that I've eaten three (very small) meals in the past four days. I still manage to do stuff for charity by donating goods I no longer need and volunteering my time for a few different entities, but I do it for things/people who are important to me.
My problems are more important to me than yours are, and times are tough for almost everyone. I wonder if your really awful attitude has to do with the fact you can't get anyone to donate.
I hope your dog gets better, but you can fuck right off with your shittiness.
My problems are more important to me than yours are, and times are tough for almost everyone. I wonder if your really awful attitude has to do with the fact you can't get anyone to donate.
I hope your dog gets better, but you can fuck right off with your shittiness.
Nolite te bastardes carborundorum.